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Professional Training Courses

Navigating Elderhood's Compassionate Caregiver seasonal training course, led by Cori Levin, instructs participants who want to step into the profession of compassionate care.


Trainings include lessons on how to listen, communicate, care, and manage - all the essential elements in becoming a compassionate caregiver. The topics also include, but not limited to, the end-of--life care that Navigating Elderhood successfully provides. 


At the completion of the training, participants will understand how to observe and anticipate changes in a client’s health, manage and maintain a care plan, support and advocate for a client, and facilitate the conversations that need to take place during the end-of-life process. 


Trainings typically consist of 4 virtual classes, as well as in-person options for individual coaching sessions. 


This training will provide about 20 hrs of education, including resources, case studies, and hands-on and practical information.


We at Navigating Elderhood are​ certified nurse assistants and end-of-life doulas who understand others' needs using our extensive education, experience, unique skillsets, and deep listening skills. 


Please contact for more information on how you can participate in an upcoming training. 


©2020 by Cori Levin
Created by Cori Levin. Site design by SFK Project.

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